
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2023 )

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匹配条件: “Juana; Bergero” ,找到相关结果约1050条。
Organización de la asistencia a la transexualidad en el sistema sanitario público espa?ol
Esteva de Antonio,Isabel; Gómez-Gil,Esther; Almaraz,M.a Cruz; Martínez-Tudela,Juana; Bergero,Trinidad; Olveira,Gabriel; Soriguer,Federico; ,;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.10.021
Abstract: objective: recognition of transexuality as a clinical entity for which medical attention should be available is currently a well-established reality, but institutional care has not been uniformly instituted throughout spain. the aim of the present study was to determine the current situation of healthcare for transexualism in the publicly-funded health service in spain. materials and methods: a descriptive study based on data provided by the spanish society of endocrinology group on identity and sexual differentiation was performed. the resources in the regions that have created specific gender units for these disorders are described. results: nine autonomous regions (55%) have started to provide various procedures, although only four provide genitoplastic procedures. the first region to include all sex reassignment surgeries was andalusia (year 1999). at the same time, madrid and catalonia also began to provide specialized mental health care and endocrinology but did not include surgical procedures until 2007 and institutional recognition until 2008. since 2007 other regions have incorporated healthcare for transsexual patients. overall, 3,303 patients (a male-to female/female-to-male transsexual ratio of 1.9/1) and 864 surgical procedures have been registered in this study. the composition and proportion of working hours of specialists, as well as the kinds of treatments provided, differ widely in each region. conclusions: the geographical distribution of healthcare to transsexual persons and the services provided vary. few regions offer genitoplastic procedures. the number of applicants exceeds the number estimated by the national health system.
Esclerodermia localizada: Diagnósticos diferenciales
Leroux,MB; Bergero,A;
Revista argentina de dermatolog?-a , 2011,
Abstract: localized scleroderma is an autoimmune organ specific disorder with an important skin compromise. it is an inflammatory process with several distinct clinical characteristics. the etiology of localized scleroderma has not been established yet. differential diagnosis includes sclerodermiform onset unchained by intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are presently studied. among them must be taking into account: exposure to radiation or toxic agents, therapeutic drugs, infections and diseases of endocrine, metabolic, genetic or inflammatory etiology. firstly, it must be point out that systemic scleroderma must be ruled out. secondly, disorders predominantly with sclerosis and atrophy must be classified and lastly, some other diseases are included in a comparative table.
Esclerodermia localizada: Diagnósticos diferenciales Localized scleroderma: Differential diagnosis
MB Leroux,A Bergero
Revista Argentina de Dermatología , 2011,
Abstract: La esclerodermia localizada constituye un desorden autoinmune órgano específico, que compromete sobre todo la piel. Se caracteriza por inflamación seguida de esclerosis e incluye distintas formas clínicas. La etiología de la esclerodermia localizada no ha sido establecida. El diagnóstico diferencial incluye cuadros esclerodermiformes, desencadenados por factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que están siendo estudiados. Entre ellos se incluyen: exposición a radiaciones o tóxicos, consumo de medicamentos, infecciones y enfermedades de origen endocrino-metabólico, genético e inflamatorio. En primer lugar, se debe descartar la esclerodermia sistémica. En segundo lugar, se clasifican las entidades con predominio de esclerosis o atrofia. Por último, se incluyen algunas enfermedades en un cuadro comparativo. Localized scleroderma is an autoimmune organ specific disorder with an important skin compromise. It is an inflammatory process with several distinct clinical characteristics. The etiology of localized scleroderma has not been established yet. Differential diagnosis includes sclerodermiform onset unchained by intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are presently studied. Among them must be taking into account: exposure to radiation or toxic agents, therapeutic drugs, infections and diseases of endocrine, metabolic, genetic or inflammatory etiology. Firstly, it must be point out that systemic scleroderma must be ruled out. Secondly, disorders predominantly with sclerosis and atrophy must be classified and lastly, some other diseases are included in a comparative table.
A multi-factorial approach to the nutritional requirements of sports horses: critical analysis and some practical applications
D. Bergero,E. Valle
Italian Journal of Animal Science , 2010, DOI: 10.4081/ijas.2007.1s.639
Abstract: The main objectives for the correct feeding of the horses is to provide them all the nutrients required to satisfy the organism’s needs and all the substances that can help to avoid metabolic problems and to use energy substrates and different nutrients sources in proper way. Many factors can influence the success of a feeding plan such as owner expectations, metabolic and digestive differences among horses, and stable conditions. Moreover the estimation in field conditions of nutritional requirements is usually performed by empirical way and not always estimated with care. It is generally based on the observation of the work performed as judged by rider and the Body Condition Score of the horse. As a result the nutritional requirements of the horse are frequently misjudged. In particular energy expenditure for exercise is often correlated to the riders perception or horse work attitude. To try to assess the workload in proper way, it is then important to try using new tools to better understand the real needs of sport horses. For this reason, new areas are nowadays explored and new techniques applied to sport horses.
Trends of hematological and biochemical values in the blood of young race horses during standardized field exercise tests
Kedzierski W.,Bergero D.,Assenza A.
Acta Veterinaria , 2009, DOI: 10.2298/avb0906457k
Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the changes in hematological and biochemical parameters in race horses subjected to standardized field exercise tests. The tests were performed two times: in May, at the beginning of the racing season and then four months later. Ten horses were studied in May (5 Thoroughbreds and 5 Purebred Arabian horses). Eight horses were studied in September (4 Thoroughbreds and 4 Arabian horses). For each horse, venous blood samples were collected at rest, after warm-up, just after the end of each gallop, and 30 minutes after the end of the exercise. The concentration of blood lactic acid (LA) hemoglobin (Hb), plasma glucose (Glc), triacylglycerols (TG), glycerol, uric acid (UA), total protein, total thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), kreatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and the total antioxidant status (TAS) were determined. The standardized field exercise test performed in September, in comparison to the first test, evoked the lowest increase in blood LA and plasma Glc and TG levels determined during exercise. The rapid return of elevated levels of LA, Hb and UA to their initial values was also observed in September, as compared to data obtained in May.
Assessment of Structural Traits and Management Related to Dairy Herds in the Peri-urban Area of Bobo Dioulasso (South West of Burkina Faso)
M. Mattoni,D. Bergero,A. Schiavone
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics , 2007,
Abstract: To define mean herd size, structural traits, animal sourcing and use, management and aspects related to the milk production, 118 dairy herds, involved in a FAO dairy development project were studied. The mean herd size after allocation to clusters: Small (≤38 heads), Medium (>38, ≤61 heads) and Large (>61 heads) was 52.8±25.8, ranging from 7 to 134 heads of cattle. The following genotypes: Cross bred (CR) 58.8%, Zebu (ZB) 23.2% and Taurine cattle (TA) 18.0% which were not uniformly distributed neither across nor within herds were identified. Sex ratio was two thirds of females (70.6%), one third of males (28.1%) and a low proportion (1.3%) of castrated males. No mature TA males compared to 53.3% of the male ZB and 31.4% of the male CR, were indicated as potential sires. Investments in purchase of animals were higher in Small than in Medium and Large herds; of all purchased sires 53.8% were found in Small herds vs. 28.2% and 18.0% in Medium and Large. Herd property was equally distributed between single (56.8%) and multi property (43.2%). There was more manpower available per 100 cows in Small, being almost double and triple than in Medium and Large herds. Although milk extracted, was similar in all clusters averaging 2.4±0.5 litres/day/cow, milk off take rate, due to higher proportion of lactating cows, appeared higher in Small herds.
Rouge y tacos al volante: la relación entre autos y mujeres en el ámbito turístico de Argentina
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo , 2010,
Abstract: gender and cars is the issue that concerns this article, which aims to show how the relationship has evolved between the woman and the car in argentina and how it has been shaped in automobile museums. while many women today have their own car or choose to buy the family car, culturally there are still many things to do in this regard. the presence of women in museums is very cut and arguably are spaces unique to a preserve of men that women can only go to admire, even in the case studies are beginning to see a promising future. this absence of women in the cultural history of the cars are added cultural prejudices about the relationship between women and cars, which are visible even in the ads about cars. we conducted a content analysis of argentine museums, through direct visits or their internet portals, and applied a semi-structured interview to people in charge of the promotion or management of these museums. it also conducted a survey of advertisements in two magazines specialized in argentina. finally, to provide additional information, we analyzed 5 blogs about cars written by women and aimed at them.
Las estrategias de reformulación: el paso desde un texto-fuente a un texto de divulgación didáctica
Literatura y lingüística , 2005, DOI: 10.4067/S0716-58112005000100011
Abstract: this study examines how educational or popularization texts are reformulations of source or primary texts. the reformulated text comes from texts for students of a technical college in valparaiso. the methodology for determining the type of reformulating strategy that has been applied in order to convert law in educational expositive texts consists in comparing both texts, law and its reformulation, determining if the difference between them is due to an expansion, reduction, or content-variation strategy. the results show a higher incidence of reduction strategy above expansion and content-variation strategies
Antipoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología , 2009,
Abstract: one of the main concerns at the heart of documentary film is the relationship between reality and its representation; or in other words, about what we consider to be an appropriate and faithful documentation of reality. the history of documentary traditionally has been depicted as the constant oscillation between the aspiration of achieving a factual representation of reality, and the impossibility of doing so (bruzzi, 2000: 4). thus, this perspective has led to a tension between objective documentation and the subjective presence of the filmmaker, which has positioned these two components at extremes that seem irreconcilable. nevertheless, some filmmakers have challenged this vision of documentaries through films that force the viewer to reconsider this perspective by merging the boundaries between creating and documenting. i will argue that this is the case of chris marker's sans soleil (1983) and chantal akerman's news from home (1977), two films that while positioning the identity of the filmmaker at the center of their concern offer interesting perspectives about the negotiation between objectivity and subjectivity in documentary films.
Trauma Social, Modernidad e Identidades Sustraídas: Nuevas Formas de Acción Social
Psykhe (Santiago) , 2006, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22282006000200002
Abstract: this research looks at the main aspects that constitute individual and group subjectivity, underlying a social practice whose goal is to give meaning to the memory of chile's recent social trauma. the study is based on eight in-depth individual interviews of funa comission members, whose ages go from 20 to 29 years old. the central elements of discourse are analyzed looking at the encounter between ideological and affective loyalties and the new representation belonging to modern times. findings shows that integration of new social referents introduce a change at the individual, grupal and institucional level process and allows a gradual change of historical damage anf marginality to the recovery of main identity dimensions.

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